Shipping_mode : Surface
Departure_country : Spain
Departure_district : Leon , Villaquilambre
Departure_type : Sea Port
Arrival_country : Tajikistan
Arrival_district : Khatlon , Kulob
Arrival_type : Commercial address
Arrival_date : 2024-08-08 00:00:00
Packate_type : Pallet ISO 48" x 40"
Incoterms : DAP
Weight : 441Kilos
Dimensions L X W X H : 1.04 L* 1.04 W*H*1.41
Additional Items : ,,
Product_description : XA cooker
Note : Hi dear, Pls kindly share the customs clearance and delivery cost. Parcel Feeder A/S Midtager 29 DK-2605 Broendby Daisy