Shipping_mode : Surface
Departure_country : Myanmar
Departure_district : Mon , Kyaikto
Departure_type : Sea Port
Arrival_country : Germany
Arrival_district : Hamburg , Berne
Arrival_type : Sea Port
Arrival_date : 2024-07-30 00:00:00
Packate_type : Container 40'
Incoterms : FOB
Weight : 28000Kilos
Dimensions L X W X H : L* W*H*
Additional Items : ,,
Product_description : Apples
Note : Dear Team, Dear TEAM, Greeting from Oceanwide Logistics. Pls provide us with your best rates for the below cargo details. POL : Mombasa POD : Novorossiysk Unit req : 1x40’ cntr. Gr.wt. : 28000 KGS Cargo : Apples Awaiting for your kind reply. Email: Thanks